"Moin" is a greeting from Northern Germany that means "hello"
For us, it embodies a story rooted in passion and expertise. Founded in 2021 by Gita Savitri Devi, content creator, author, and a Chemistry graduate from Freie Universität Berlin, emerged from her experiences as a cosmetic formulator.
Skincare is necessity
We believe that taking care of skin should be the norm. Investing in the skin health is more than just for the appearance but also for the overall health.
Skincare is for everyone
For too long there has been a misconception that skincare is exclusively for women. Skincare should be inclusive for everyone who enjoy taking care of their skin.
Skincare should be made easy
We believe that achieving healthy-looking skin does not require gazillion steps. MOIN helps you to simplify your routine without having to compromise the result.
Skincare should be thoughtfully formulated
Creating product formulation to make sure its safety, stability, and efficacy has been our top priority. Each of the ingredient we use in our products plays significant role either in supporting the integrity of the formula or benefiting skin's health. We formulate MOIN in Germany and work with expert partners who ensure the highest quality to manufacture the products in Indonesia.
Understanding skincare science empowers you to choose wisely
Memahami Perawatan Kulit Anda: Memahami INCI
Anda mungkin pernah melihat daftar bahan-bahan pada produk perawatan kulit Anda, mungkin karena penasaran tentang apa yang sebenarnya terjadi pada kulit Anda. Daftar ini, yang sering kali ditulis dengan huruf...
Melakukan Uji Stabilitas pada Produk Perawatan Kulit
Produk perawatan kulit adalah bagian penting dari rutinitas sehari-hari kita, yang dirancang untuk meningkatkan kesehatan dan penampilan kulit kita. Ada banyak faktor yang perlu diperhatikan secara serius untuk menjaga kualitas...
Mengupas Sains di Balik Surfaktan
Terkait perawatan kulit, ilmu pengetahuan di balik produk yang kita gunakan mungkin masih menjadi misteri. Salah satu komponen mendasar yang memainkan peran penting dalam banyak formulasi perawatan kulit adalah surfaktan....