Everything Staple
Our range of water-based formula, carefully crafted to be your everyday essentials to complete your skincare experience. Formulated to suit all skin types.

The days of 10 step skincare routine are over
MOIN helps you to achieve healthy skin without a fuss.

Cut through the noise
Tired of skincare gimmicks? Our blog debunks myths with science-backed information. Learn how to achieve healthy, radiant skin with confidence.

Skincare is necessity, not vanity
From harsh environmental factors to stress and fatigue. Your skin battles countless challenges and deserves the utmost care and attention to preserve its health and radiance.
BPOM registered

Thoughtfully Formulated

For All Skin Type

Formulated in Germany

BPOM registered

Thoughtfully Formulated

For All Skin Type

Formulated in Germany

BPOM registered

Thoughtfully Formulated

For All Skin Type

Formulated in Germany

BPOM registered

Thoughtfully Formulated

For All Skin Type

Formulated in Germany

BPOM registered

Thoughtfully Formulated

For All Skin Type

Formulated in Germany

BPOM registered

Thoughtfully Formulated

For All Skin Type

Formulated in Germany

BPOM registered

Thoughtfully Formulated

For All Skin Type

Formulated in Germany

BPOM registered

Thoughtfully Formulated

For All Skin Type

Formulated in Germany

BPOM registered

Thoughtfully Formulated

For All Skin Type

Formulated in Germany

BPOM registered

Thoughtfully Formulated

For All Skin Type

Formulated in Germany

Save up, get your bundle on!
is a greeting from Northern Germany that means "hello"
For us, it embodies a story rooted in passion and expertise

Great for your skin, good for the planet
We believe that sustainability and radiant skin should go hand in hand.
In their own words
"Sejak pakai rangkaian MOIN kulit wajahku jadi nggak kering dan perih lagi 🥹"
"Aku udah coba macam-macam skincare dan berobat ke dokter dan tetap jerawatan. Cukup sekali aja pakai MOIN, kemerahan di muka langsung mereda. Sekarang udah 3 bulan pakai MOIN dan jerawatku berkurang banget!"
"Baru kali ini aku pakai skincare rasanya pingin pakai terus!"
"Setelah rutin pakai MOIN, kulitku nggak kering, nggak berminyak, jerawat benar-benar berkurang, komedo juga berkurang! Terus bekas jerawat juga hilang?! Ajaib banget!"
The Problem of Misleading Marketing Claim
This week, Dokter Detektif's TikTok videos have made people talking. She took some Indonesian skincare products to the lab to be tested, only to be found that many of these...
Skin Microbiome
Skin & the role of microbiomes The skin is the outer part of the body that acts as a protective barrier against the outside world. It has different areas with...
Inflammaging: The Silent Culprit Behind Aging Skin
As we age, our bodies undergo a multitude of changes. One such change is a chronic, low-grade inflammation known as inflammaging. Unlike acute inflammation, which is a targeted response to...